Anandam Comfort Care Centre (2024)

We have a Medical Block at Anandam which can presently accommodate fifteen persons (Male and Female), who require constant, 24 /7 care and help from attenders, with medical attention too. As the average age of our elders is more than 75 years now, we feel that more accommodation for residents who become ill will be needed in the near future. We are building a Comfort Care Centre on the first floor of Anandam to an extent of 4500 sq. ft. with an in-patient medical care facility with 30 beds for the elders from Anandam Home. This facility will provide focused & specialised medical care that will also include alternative therapies for pain alleviation.

How Can you Help?

Comfort Care centre – (Inpatient facility for the sick residents)
Monthly support for one patient INR 10,000
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